Personal preferences and lifestyle.
Personal style is really a way of expressing yourself. You can wear whatever and not care what someone else thinks. Do your thing. Since this is my first time writing a blog post, I'm not quite sure what to write, but I know that everyone should be able to express themselves with what they wear and shouldn't be pressured by others to wear what their friends/coworkers/whatever think is cool/acceptable.

Just wear whatever! Honestly, I don't think many people care what you wear. So some dude passes by a girl on the street, he sees her wearing fuzzy pumps:

He walks past glancing at her shoes, judges her for a second, then she's gone.
Although in a school environment it might be more difficult for someone to ignore those judgmental people...Teenage girls. Ah yes, the most vicious form of girl there is...
So, I'm gonna stop writing an English essay and talk about something else. Shall I describe my personal style?
I guess I really feel inspired by K-Pop fashion (*Cough* I don't dress like it), some of the loud colours, but also the wearable aspect that is included.
Girls' Generation

~Balmain to KTZ, many start from A-Z~
Woot! So yup. That's what I feel inspired by. Who or what inspires your personal style?
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