Saturday, May 18, 2013

FINALS and a Ring Light

OHOHOHO I finally got a ring light! Now my pictures look super awesome :D
Now I have an excuse to be more self absorbed lol. 
"Why do you always take pictures of yourself? You must be really conceited."
"Pshhh like seriously, I don't--I'm not--"
My besties are makeup and photoshop so...

Usually I photoshop my jaw because my right side of my face is larger than my left :( I don't know why...Braces? just got them off :) okay like 5 weeks ago but whatever. I also photoshop my nose. 

My eyelids are uneven which is really annoying, I tried to use double-eyelid tape and double-eyelid glue, but THEY DON'T WORK GAAAAAH

My face was pretty much INSIDE the ring light for this one lol.

This one actually wasn't photoshopped...only because I forgot and I was too lazy to. (Above)

On a different note, is anyone else ready for finals season?!?!? (Is it a season? I don't even know...SURE FEELS LIKE IT, YEAH?)
Teachers always tell you that you're going to be fine, and then they tell you how challenging the finals are going to be, and how IF YOU DON'T DO YOUR HOMEWORK YOU WILL DIEEEEEEEE.
I can't--no. NO.
So much homework and tests and it makes me really sad =_=
"Hey Nat, why're you making a blog post? Shouldn't you be studying?"
Hahahahaha. Yeah right--


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