Saturday, March 30, 2013

Esa ~ Personal Style

Personal Style.

It is a way of telling the world about yourself without having to say a thing.

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn."
~Gore Vidal
I agree. But, even if you don't know who you are, or exactly what you want to say, you may find your style as you find yourself. Or vice versa. Maybe you can find yourself though style.

Does this mean your personal style has to be consistent?
What I mean is, your style doesn't have to say the same thing with every outfit, or every day, or every week. In a literal sense, we don't say the same words every time we express our thinking because we aren't thinking the same thing all the the time. Same goes for how we choose to present ourselves physically. You don't wear the same clothes everyday just as you don't say the same things to the same people everyday. I think that would be rather boring. Both wearing the same thing and saying the same thing. Variety in our lives, in our thought, and in our clothing choices are very important. And I would say that most people change their hair style and make up choice whether it be from day to day, season to season, etc.

As for my own changes with the seasons, the years, and my mood. In the words of Coco Chanel, "Fashion changes, but style endures." As fashion changes, my style will evolve, but never fully stray away from its origin.
I can get inspiration from anywhere...everywhere. I sport many different looks. Today it is a simple outfit: a striped boat-neck shirt, boyfriend jeans, and ballet flats. My hair is in its natural, voluminousness, curly state and I don't really have makeup on (except a little concealer and some Revlon lip butter).
Some other looks from other days....

 Black and white striped sweater with gold buttons, simple pearls with a gold chain and small gold hoop earrings to accent the buttons, with the hair pulled back a little. Worn out to a some what casual restaurant. Someone said I looked "Chanel-esque" which I gladly took as a complement.  

BOLD, pink lips and


with a SPARKLY, gold top.

Very natural hair and makeup to go with a plaid, ruffle-front button-down and a black velvet jacket. Not shown: jeans, purple flats, and my Michael Kors tote for a day of shopping :)

...just some every-day looks.

Now, what to wear tomorrow...?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nat - Personal Style

Personal Style:
Personal preferences and lifestyle.

Personal style is really a way of expressing yourself. You can wear whatever and not care what someone else thinks. Do your thing. Since this is my first time writing a blog post, I'm not quite sure what to write, but I know that everyone should be able to express themselves with what they wear and shouldn't be pressured by others to wear what their friends/coworkers/whatever think is cool/acceptable.


Just wear whatever! Honestly, I don't think many people care what you wear. So some dude passes by a girl on the street, he sees her wearing fuzzy pumps:


He walks past glancing at her shoes, judges her for a second, then she's gone.

Although in a school environment it might be more difficult for someone to ignore those judgmental people...Teenage girls. Ah yes, the most vicious form of girl there is...
So, I'm gonna stop writing an English essay and talk about something else. Shall I describe my personal style?
I guess I really feel inspired by K-Pop fashion (*Cough* I don't dress like it), some of the loud colours, but also the wearable aspect that is included.


Girls' Generation


~Balmain to KTZ, many start from A-Z~

Woot! So yup. That's what I feel inspired by. Who or what inspires your personal style?


Awkward Photos Anyone?

Hello again!

So today we took pictures to share with you. We tried to show our personal style through our "photo-shoot" (aka, one of us stood behind the camera while the other posed awkwardly. You should have heard how quiet it was). Haha, Esa had to tell me how to pose but in the end I managed to pose well with the chair because I don't like standing. Laziness for life!
I'm totally gonna regret being lazy in the future.


Not sure why my mouth always looks crooked. Whatever. And excuse my toe nails.

Krystal - f-x Photo

And me again. JUST KIDDING! As if. I wish I looked like Krystal... *sobs in a corner
Priest: Do you take Photoshop as your beloved husband?


Priest: Are there any objections to this marriage?
There had better not be. Vampire kitties will come for you.



Hey! This is Esa.

I think it is astounding how people can be so hypercritical about pictures of themselves. Granted, I am one of those people, however, I brought myself to post some pictures......

 This is me with a slight green tint.
Switching it up with an effect called "lime"....


The dress I am wearing, which I love, has gorgeous lace detail on part of the front (which I don't think you can see at all) and on the back (which you can see the tiniest bit of below...)


By the way, in these pictures, my hair is in its natural state....crazy.


I'm ready for my close-up!......well, not really, but here it is.

And for the record, no Photoshop was used in the editing off these photos{just the red-eye editing tool on my phone, and the "Lime" effect on an app called Aviary}. The ones of me that is. I don't mess around with Photoshop now that Nat put a ring on it.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Female Blogger Dilemas (Used from Xiaxue's Blog)

Female blogger dilemma

If you are anonymous - you must be a fat ugly loser in real life.

If you show your identity and you look ugly - You should do plastic surgery.

If you show your identity and you already did plastic surgery - you are fake and disgusting.

If you are au-natural and pretty - you are still fake coz you put make-up, or must photoshop your pictures.

If you are pretty and don't put make up - it's because you don't know how. Also, you look boring and pale.

If you are pretty and put make up - you are superficial, insecure and shallow. Go save a whale.

If you get popular - you are a famewhore.

If you don't get popular - you are a nobody.

If you get popular and earn money from being popular - you are a sell-out.

If you get popular but don't earn money - you are stupid, and also, who you think you are, so bloody high and mighty?

If you are single and not dating - something's wrong with you.

If you are single and dating - you are a slut.

If you are attached - your boyfriend is either ugly or too good for you.

If you are married - you are a boring housewife.

If you are married with kids - why the fuck are you blogging when you should be looking after your kids? You are a shit mom.

If your partner is rich - you are a gold-digger.

If your partner is poor - you are a unrealistic romantic and if you break up with him for someone who works later on, you are a gold-digger.

If your partner is nice - Don't know what he sees in you.

If your partner is a jerk - You are a moron for dating him in the first place but you deserve no better anyway.

If you keep your life private - you have something to hide and you are a liar.

If you don't keep your life private and your life is sad - What a loser.

If you don't keep your life private and your life is fab - What a show off.

If you don't speak your mind - you are stupid, apathetic and unopinionated.

If you speak your mind - you are ignorant and talking about things you don't know about. You 

should shut up.

If you are fat - that's the only thing you are. That and disgusting.

If you are skinny - You must be anexoric or bulimic. Also you are making other women feel fat and thus spreading unhealthy weight ideals.

If you are of average weight - You are fat.

If you don't respond to haters - Means what they said must be true and you have nothing to say.

If you respond nicely to haters - They will just have more ammunition and hate you more.

If you respond rudely to haters - You cannot take criticism and you are a cyberbully.

So as read in the title, this is from Xiaxue, a Singaporean blogger, 

So credits to her.
I totally agree with all of this. It's difficult to be a female blogger! You're constantly judged and people form stereotypes about you. I don't think guy bloggers have a problem like this...totally messed up.
Obviously, having just started out, we haven't experienced it.
One of the lines really caught my eye--
"If you show your identity and you already did plastic surgery - you are fake and disgusting."
Why can't people look how they want? People always tell others, "accept who you are and embrace it."
What if we don't want to?
Why do people have to embrace their "ugly?"
Don't they always tell you that confidence is key?
Seriously. If you want to be pretty, don't just mope around and think that you're not embracing yourself enough, do something about it.
My fave quote is "There is no such thing as ugly women, only lazy women."
SO BASICALLY, You don't have to embrace your natural self! Don't feel obliged to! I mean, if you want to, that's all fine and dandy, but if you feel ugly, don't just go "oh, I'm ugly. Oh well. Looks like I have to sit here and write sad poetry about myself."

Why do we judge people who've gotten plastic surgery? 
It's really not a big deal. As long as you know what you're doing, and know what you're getting into, it's your choice.



Friday, March 22, 2013

Hey! From Esa

Hi there! This is Esa. 

Pictures are soon to come so you will be able to pick your favorite between Nat and I. Actually, pick me.

If you want to characterize me, I am the stylish, sarcastic, sophisticated one (Obviously, I am a talented writer as well because I just used alliteration). *An example of the sarcasm I mentioned.

I have two cats: an old girl, and a kitten. And they are adorable, if I do say so myself! 
I just realized that I am wearing my "crazy cat" socks.  

If I have the title of "crazy cat lady" in my future; so be it.

I have a sense of fashion, which I like to think is pretty decent, and I try to dress like it from head to toe. Well, maybe not quite "to toe" today.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to blogging about "anything and everything" (to quote Nat). We plan to cover a large variety of topics and hope to entertain....someone. So come back to the blog to view our upcoming posts! Maybe there will be something remotely entertaining to view ;)




           Hey! This is Nat :)
Just want to greet anyone who's reading this blog right now (anyone?) *crickets* OK, well whatever. We're planning to talk about anything and everything! Hopefully, this blog will be successful. Yup. So a little about myself: 
     I love art. I love animals, photo shopping, eating, and stuff like that. I have a sense of fashion, but I definitely don't dress like it. I'm kinda..uh yeah. So don't judge me! Well you can but--yeah I'm done. Esa should be posting a welcome thingy soon. Please read our blog in the future >.<. My favorite blogger is definitely Xiaxue, a Singaporean blogger who's awesome. We'll be posting soon so don't change the channel! *Smacks you with a remote*.
