Thursday, March 28, 2013

Awkward Photos Anyone?

Hello again!

So today we took pictures to share with you. We tried to show our personal style through our "photo-shoot" (aka, one of us stood behind the camera while the other posed awkwardly. You should have heard how quiet it was). Haha, Esa had to tell me how to pose but in the end I managed to pose well with the chair because I don't like standing. Laziness for life!
I'm totally gonna regret being lazy in the future.


Not sure why my mouth always looks crooked. Whatever. And excuse my toe nails.

Krystal - f-x Photo

And me again. JUST KIDDING! As if. I wish I looked like Krystal... *sobs in a corner
Priest: Do you take Photoshop as your beloved husband?


Priest: Are there any objections to this marriage?
There had better not be. Vampire kitties will come for you.



Hey! This is Esa.

I think it is astounding how people can be so hypercritical about pictures of themselves. Granted, I am one of those people, however, I brought myself to post some pictures......

 This is me with a slight green tint.
Switching it up with an effect called "lime"....


The dress I am wearing, which I love, has gorgeous lace detail on part of the front (which I don't think you can see at all) and on the back (which you can see the tiniest bit of below...)


By the way, in these pictures, my hair is in its natural state....crazy.


I'm ready for my close-up!......well, not really, but here it is.

And for the record, no Photoshop was used in the editing off these photos{just the red-eye editing tool on my phone, and the "Lime" effect on an app called Aviary}. The ones of me that is. I don't mess around with Photoshop now that Nat put a ring on it.


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