Saturday, March 30, 2013

Esa ~ Personal Style

Personal Style.

It is a way of telling the world about yourself without having to say a thing.

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn."
~Gore Vidal
I agree. But, even if you don't know who you are, or exactly what you want to say, you may find your style as you find yourself. Or vice versa. Maybe you can find yourself though style.

Does this mean your personal style has to be consistent?
What I mean is, your style doesn't have to say the same thing with every outfit, or every day, or every week. In a literal sense, we don't say the same words every time we express our thinking because we aren't thinking the same thing all the the time. Same goes for how we choose to present ourselves physically. You don't wear the same clothes everyday just as you don't say the same things to the same people everyday. I think that would be rather boring. Both wearing the same thing and saying the same thing. Variety in our lives, in our thought, and in our clothing choices are very important. And I would say that most people change their hair style and make up choice whether it be from day to day, season to season, etc.

As for my own changes with the seasons, the years, and my mood. In the words of Coco Chanel, "Fashion changes, but style endures." As fashion changes, my style will evolve, but never fully stray away from its origin.
I can get inspiration from anywhere...everywhere. I sport many different looks. Today it is a simple outfit: a striped boat-neck shirt, boyfriend jeans, and ballet flats. My hair is in its natural, voluminousness, curly state and I don't really have makeup on (except a little concealer and some Revlon lip butter).
Some other looks from other days....

 Black and white striped sweater with gold buttons, simple pearls with a gold chain and small gold hoop earrings to accent the buttons, with the hair pulled back a little. Worn out to a some what casual restaurant. Someone said I looked "Chanel-esque" which I gladly took as a complement.  

BOLD, pink lips and


with a SPARKLY, gold top.

Very natural hair and makeup to go with a plaid, ruffle-front button-down and a black velvet jacket. Not shown: jeans, purple flats, and my Michael Kors tote for a day of shopping :)

...just some every-day looks.

Now, what to wear tomorrow...?

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