Friday, March 22, 2013

Hey! From Esa

Hi there! This is Esa. 

Pictures are soon to come so you will be able to pick your favorite between Nat and I. Actually, pick me.

If you want to characterize me, I am the stylish, sarcastic, sophisticated one (Obviously, I am a talented writer as well because I just used alliteration). *An example of the sarcasm I mentioned.

I have two cats: an old girl, and a kitten. And they are adorable, if I do say so myself! 
I just realized that I am wearing my "crazy cat" socks.  

If I have the title of "crazy cat lady" in my future; so be it.

I have a sense of fashion, which I like to think is pretty decent, and I try to dress like it from head to toe. Well, maybe not quite "to toe" today.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to blogging about "anything and everything" (to quote Nat). We plan to cover a large variety of topics and hope to entertain....someone. So come back to the blog to view our upcoming posts! Maybe there will be something remotely entertaining to view ;)



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