Saturday, July 27, 2013

Smiling Eyes Look

Well I was GOING to do my NYC post, but then I was like...naaahhhh. I didn't buy anything or do anything particularly interesting because I've been there so many times.
Apparently it is really popular in Korea to have these sort of bags under your eyes. Not like suitcases, but a little fat under the eyes that one has when they are young. The bags make a person look younger and more youthful. Is that the same thing? Whatever.
People even get it surgically injected to achieve the look. So I'm gonna show you how to achieve these cute puffy eyes without needles. *Shudder*

Okayyyy So all we need are brown and white. If you don't have these colours I'm sorry, but hello CVS..?

Lets start off with lining your lower lashline with white. You want to create the illusion of puffy eyes first.

With a darker brown (not black, you're not a panda.) underneath the white, draw a line to create the fake bag. Don't worry if it looks odd, you can blend it with a lighter colour later.

Even when you're not smiling it will look like you are. Perfect for depressed people(?)
some of my pics are blurry because I don't really look at my camera after I take a picture of my eye...oops.

With the same brown, brush it on your eyelid for some depth. Or just use some random colour, but if you want a more everyday look just use brown.

Don't line your eyes too thick or dark because you want that sort of innocent look. I just used black eyeshadow and a tiny bit of mascara. Fill in them brows too.
Looking up close at my eye reminds me that I really need to clean them up....
So I think this look looks (hahah look look) a lot better in natural light, so I didn't use my ring light this time.

Luckily my uncombed hair just looked wavy. Perfect.

OH NOOOOO BLURRY PIC!!! It looked so good on camera...What happened?

I stopped taking pictures at high angles like all the photo-taking-people (What're they called?....PHOTOGRAPHERS. That's it.) said because it just makes me look very...derpy. I really love this look and I think I'm gonna wear it more often.
Oh yeah and I'm gonna cut my hair a little above shoulder length. And I would dye it brown if I could. *Cough*
I vill shee yoo necksht veek.


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